As A Government Contractor Are You Ready for Another Shutdown?
“WASHINGTON TECHNOLOGY” By James Fontana “The Anti-Deficiency Act prohibits a contracting officer from authorizing an expenditure not...
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“WASHINGTON TECHNOLOGY” By James Fontana “The Anti-Deficiency Act prohibits a contracting officer from authorizing an expenditure not...
“WASHINGTON TECHNOLOGY” By Todd Gustafson “With its immense purchasing power, the federal government has the ability to drive holistic...
“FCW” “Sixty-eight percent of Americans agree that investments in federal IT are usually worth it, according to a new national survey by...
“PETER G. PETERSON FOUNDATION” “Defense spending by the United States increased by $44 billion from 2019 to 2020, according to recently...
As Veterans Ascend CEO Robyn Grable put it, her site is essentially “ for veteran employment.” (Photo provided by Veterans...
The United States Census Bureau statistics help small business owners make sound decisions by identifying potential customers and...
“FCW” “The GSA has released a steady stream of guidelines around buying cloud services and solutions in recent years, and set up a cloud...
“BREAKING DEFENSE” By Stephanie Halcrow “There is comfort with doing business as usual, but comfort and business as usual is a sure path...
“WASHINGTON TECHNOLOGY” By James Fontana “Very simply, preparing teaming agreements properly and knowing the extent of their...
Image: Erik Carter “THE ATLANTIC” – From an Article By Alec Ross Entitled: “The Pentagon’s Army Of Nerds – Why the military needs Silicon...
“THE HILL” “A report, released by Brown University’s Costs of War Project and the Center for International Policy, highlights how the...
File photo (Bumble Dee/ Whether it is soldiers deployed to the Middle East or soldiers deployed to the streets of our...
“BREAKING DEFENSE” “Army Secretary Christine Wormuth believes the Army will “have to look really carefully” at the core of the service’s...
DEFENSE NEWS By Justin P. Oberman “There are just five major prime contractors; they are loath to compete with one another, and they can...
“DEFENSE NEWS“ “To see where we’ve gone, starting off with just [a] $100 million OTA ceiling and just a couple dozen small businesses and...
“BREAKING DEFENSE” “The Defense Department has created a new task force dedicated to addressing ongoing challenges with its supply chain...
“DEFENSE ONE” “The Pentagon team that manages them “have not protected us, and they have refused to listen.” An open letter from the...
SMALL WARS JOURNAL By Michael Ferguson “Throughout the war, the United States and by extension its Afghan partners relied heavily on...
SBA “Devoted exclusively to promoting veteran entrepreneurship, the OVBD facilitates the use of all U.S. Small Business Administration...
SBA “EOBs make up 15.7% of all employer businesses, comparedwith 20.8% majority female-owned and 63.6% majority male-owned businesses....