What Comes After CMMC Compliance and Contract Award?
Image: iStock illustration NATIONAL DEFENSE MAGAZINE By Susan Warshaw Ebner and Rolando R. Sanchez “In the near term, contractors are...
Free Mentoring for Small Business
Image: iStock illustration NATIONAL DEFENSE MAGAZINE By Susan Warshaw Ebner and Rolando R. Sanchez “In the near term, contractors are...
A Vanilla ultra-endurance, land-launched UAV undergoes operational preflight checks during U.S. Pacific Fleet’s Unmanned Integrated...
Editor’s Note: The U.S. House of Representatives has passed legislation to repeal the 2002 “Authorization For Use Of Force” which gave...
Image: Veterans Transition Resource Center “WAR ON THE ROCKS” By Rebecca Burgess “The broken veteran narrative, unintentionally fueled by...
WASHINGTON TECHNOLOGY/ DELTEK INC “The findings of the 2021 Deltek Clarity report identified areas where industry benefited and where...
“PROPUBLICA” “The Small Business Administration’s rules prevent it from helping most employee- and consumer-owned cooperatives, even...
“WASHINGTON TECHNOLOGY” “The Veterans Affairs Department has tasked AT&T to help modernize that agency’s communications network...
“UPI” “The U.S . Government Accountability Office in a report published Tuesday urged the Pentagon to update its oversight approach on...
“ROSE COVERED GLASSES” – By Ken Larson “THE BRANCH UPON WHICH WE SIT “Technology has permitted marvelous advances and opportunities in...
Unite Us founders Brillman, left, and Justice. (Courtesy of Unite Us) “MILITARY TIMES” “In 2013, Brillman and Justice co-founded the...
“NATIONAL DEFENSE MAGAZINE” By Bob Stevens “A well-rounded mobile security strategy starts by detecting and defending against all cyber...
“C4ISR” By Col. Heather Bogstie “The recent award of the Space and Missile Systems Center’s second Space Enterprise Consortium (SpEC)...
PLEASE CLICK IMAGE TO ENLARGE “WASHINGTON TECHNOLOGY” By Caleb Barlow Waiting will only increase risk and difficulty “As the recent...
Image: Craig Stephens “WASHINGTON TECHNOLOGY” “The Navy has kicked off the market research phase of the procurement with a sources sought...
“MILITARY TIMES” “The future is in your hands, Marine Medal of Honor recipient Hershel “Woody” Williams tells young people, and to assure...
“MILITARY TIMES” “Veterans Affairs officials are pushing Congress to lift the funding cap on a popular pilot program focused on...
Image: “Alltogether.Org” “WASHINGTON TECHNOLOGY” By Dan Kuffer “Managing a remote team is not always easy. Concerns range from a lack of...
“USNI NEWS” “The Navy – looking for flexibility when dealing with small, high-tech companies – is creating a “sandbox” to vet work from...
“WASHINGTON TECHNOLOGY – “PROJECT 38“ “Federal contractors have long touted their need and desire to embrace new methods of working with...