“SAM.GOV – Prelociation Notice – FA481424R0002 This is a DRAFT solicitation to acquire a full range of professional services classifications including management activities involving policy, doctrine, planning, intelligence, strategy, exercises, logistics, assessments, and operations for multiple HQ USCENTCOM directorates, Joint Staff, Office of Secretary of Defense (OSD), and Department of Defense (DoD) counterparts along with allies and partner nations within the HQ USCENTCOM Area of Responsibility (AoR). The final RFP is anticipated to be released in May/June 2024. Feedback and/or recommendations is requested and appreciated. “
“The service branch is particularly interested in hearing from two categories of small businesses for this opportunity to support senior leaders at Central Command’s headquarters location.” ________________________________________________________________________________
“The Air Force has given industry a first glimpse at how it plans to compete a potential five-year, $750 million contract vehicle for broad professional services to the U.S. Central Command’s headquarters in Florida.
Only small businesses with the service-disabled veteran-owned and 8(a) distinctions are eligible to bid for the contract. The Air Force is planning 20 awards in total with an even split of winners in both groups, according to a notice to release the draft solicitation.
Comments on that preview of the multiple-award CENTCOM Headquarters IDIQ for Professional Services contract are due by May 15.
The so-called CHIPS contract will support multiple CENTCOM directorates, the Office of the Secretary of Defense, Joint Staff and other Defense Department components.
CENTCOM is headquartered at MacDill Air Force Base in Florida and covers an area of responsibility over 21 countries, primarily in the Middle East.
Awardees will be responsible for program management services, management and program analysis, assessment, monitoring, and evaluation, information technology, data science, logistics management, operational contract support, vendor threat mitigation, acquisition management, and intelligence services.
No information on an incumbent contract was available at the time of publication.”