“During the course of marketing to the federal government the small business will encounter opportunities involving potential for acquiring an incumbent work force as an element of winning a contract. The acquisition of existing personnel already performing on a service contract is a way to exponentially grow a small enterprise.“
“Your market research into future acquisitions in the service contracting industry to the federal government will lead you to existing work forces subject to assumption by a winning contractor.
Base operations contracts, long term service contracts of an IDIQ nature and similar programs have competitive phases or are re-designated for a small business prime contractor if the government deems a pool of qualified companies is available to compete.
In some instances a larger contractor holding the existing work force is displaced from a program to meet agency statutory requirements for contracting to small business or because the existing contractor has grown to exceed the size standard for a small business on the program.
Under these conditions a teaming arrangement may be possible with the departing contractor,resulting his assuming a lesser role in the effort (we suggest no more than 40%) as a subcontractor to you.
Some companies will publish a help wanted advertisement in the local paper and invite the incumbent personnel to attend an off site open house, asking for sign offs on contingent hire agreements for use in the proposal, together with resumes:
It is important to remember that although the RFP may go so far as to say incumbent personnel have first rights of refusal for future positions, you are not legally obligated to hire what you feel are poor performers. You will, however, have to specify your criteria for personnel selection in your proposal and, especially for personnel the government has listed as “Key” in the RFP, explain how you intend to utilize existing people or bring in new ones.
The competitive environment on a given procurement will drive how much you disclose in the way of openness in terms of publicly announcing your intentions to bid and acquire the personnel data you need to do so effectively. You must conduct effective research and propose a winning wage and fringe package that appeals, not only to the personnel you wish to retain, but also to your customer.
Acquiring an incumbent work force poses both opportunities and risks for a small enterprise. Understanding the above factors and assessing your ability to manage the challenge will best prepare you for the decision whether or not to bid such a program.”