“Are you interested in small business market research for government contracts? USAspending.gov lets you search for federal contracts by industry, location, recipient type, set-asides, and more. Learn about how to find specific contracts and spending data in this video!”
0:00 Welcome!
1:11 Step 1: Identify top industries for small businesses
• In Advanced Search, use the Award Type, Location, Recipient Type filters. Then click ‘Submit Search.’
• Click on the Categories tab to see top agencies, recipients, and industries (using PSC or NAICS codes) for your search.
• Refine your search based on any top industries you found.
4:40 Step 2: Identify federal contracts with set-asides
• Refine your search using the Type of Set-Aside filter. Click ‘Submit Search.’
• In the Table tab, sort results to see the contracts ending soon, which may indicate an opportunity to recompete for these contracts.
6:30 Step 3: Identify potential subcontract opportunities
• Remove filters for set-asides and small businesses.
• Use the Award Amount filter to set a minimum of $750,000. Awards above this amount are required to have a subcontracting plan.
• Click ‘Submit Search.’ In the Table tab, sort results to see the most recent start dates. These newer contracts are more likely to have subcontract opportunities.
8:22 Thank you!
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