“The Navy is lifting the gate on its massive $50 billion SeaPort Next Generation professional services contract vehicle for companies to take a second shot at winning a position.
Like in the original round, the Navy will not evaluate price in this rolling admission phase of the contract as pricing competition takes place at the task order level for SeaPort NxG.“
_____________________________________________________________________________ “In a new solicitation released Monday, the Navy gives contractors a due date of Feb. 12 for their bids to gain the right to compete for task orders. The Beta.Sam.Gov website gives the notice identification number of N0017821R7000.
The Navy made a total of 1,870 awards in December 2018 with only 24 bids rejected. SeaPort NxG has a five-year base period and a five-year option.
Other agencies can use Seaport NxG to acquire professional services alongside the Navy and Marine Corps.”