By Ken Larson
Having been on the inside of the workings of our defense industrial base, I have been constantly impressed with the objectivity, ethics and coverage of the ” PROJECT ON GOVERNMENT OVERSIGHT (POGO)”to surface issues in a clear, factual fashion that citizens must be made aware of.
The issues range from waste, fraud and abuse, budgetary matters concerning our largest federal agency, ethics in government and our role on the world stage.
I was a whistle blower years ago when there were few protections for such individuals. I appreciate the support POGO lends these days to that vital function, particularly in the defense industry.
POGO’s “Federal Contractor Misconduct Data Base” is an eye opener. It is maintained scrupulously with up to date public records of major corporation government judgments containing details of judicial proceedings and related fines.
The support of POGO for ethics in government has been around for decades. Its reputation is sterling, and its regular Congressional testimony is riveting.