“SMALL TO FEDS” By Ken Larson
“Place into a capability statement (CAPE) the specific information others need to know for a sound decision about your company qualifications.
A good quality CAPE is the spearhead of your marketing campaign and your visual image; focused and direct, it must be informative, concise and a snapshot of the very best you can offer.“
“Federal government contracting is all about relationship development. Marketing to influential agency personnel, industry partners, prospective team members, employees, associate contractors and others who can help you requires a hard hitting synopsis of what your firm brings to the table.
A good CAPE will be a promotional brochure that on paper and through the electronic media advertises who you are, what you do and why the government or prime contractors should buy from you.
Your capability statement should be distributed on paper to your target market as a brochure, emailed as an attachment and linked into related industry web sites or partner marketing to get the word out about your product or service. Your CAPE targets contracting officers and prime contractor buyers who are seeking to fulfill their small business buying goals. It is a way to get you in the door and speak to, or correspond with, the management and technical personnel who are the decision makers in sourcing small business buys. “