A decade and a half ago, a group of Vietnam Era Veterans gathered to write satire on world events. This project was initially spurred by the creative genius of Navy Vietnam Veteran Tony Rose, who was at the time a bit of a celebrity in Minnesota for his successful battles with several federal agencies to reacquire his citizenship and his Social Security, when both had been denied by the U.S. Government (see article beneath his picture below).

Tony is now in his 80’s and still thriving here in Minnesota, enjoying his pension and working service projects at the local nature center and the Hastings Minnesota Veterans Home. The ‘Rose Colored Glasses’ project evolved into what is today’s, ‘Rose Covered Glasses’. We thought our readers might enjoy a cameo appearance of one of Mr. Rose’s satirical works that have survived well on the web over the years.
You will note a certain forward looking view from 2007 that anticipates some of the events we see today. The piece is pictured here and may be viewed in larger form by clicking on the frame itself. Happy Reading from Tony and his crew.